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A fortunate stroke of serendipity

Cartagena. Colombia

Imagine the situation, it’s pouring and I am just trying to keep my camera equipment dry inside a small shop. I saw him coming from far. He was walking happily as if there was nothing that could bother him, not even the downpour and, as he got closer, I just knew I had to take his picture… (for those of you that do not speak spanish “secos” means “dry”). It just felt as if I was in the right place at the right time and I remembered what one of my favorites photographers Henri Cartier-Bresson said once “of course, it’s all luck“.

Secos Way

Un gran golpe de suerte

Imagínate la situación. Empieza a diluviar y yo busco refugio en una tienda pequeñita intentando mantener mi equipo fotográfico seco. Lo vi venir desde lejos. Caminaba felizmente como si nada le pudiera importunar, ni siquiera el aguacero. Cuando estaba a mi altura supe que tenía que tomar la foto. Es uno de esos momentos en la vida cuando uno siente que esta en el lugar adecuado el el momento oportuno. Y me acorde de las palabras de uno de mis fotógrafos favoritos Henri Cartier-Bresson “Por supuesto, todo es cuestión de suerte“.

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  • Paul Thiebaut III - September 12, 2011 - 12:40 am

    Those look like some heavy duty stroller wheels.

  • Dale Allyn - March 17, 2011 - 4:38 pm

    Love it. And what a beautiful street to photograph as well.

  • Teju - March 4, 2011 - 8:21 pm

    Great picture – you captured his expression very well – he could care less about the weather.

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