I should have been working on another project, but the light and the colors were just unreal right after the rain. I just couldn’t resist the temptation! Now back to work!
Una explosion de color
Debería haber estado trabajando en otro proyecto, pero la luz y los colores se volvieron irreales cuando termino de llover. Simplemente no pude resistir la tentación! Ahora, de vuelta al trabajo!
Every drop, every photo seems to have a story to tell. The colours the feel is so real. Feel like touching that droplet with my hand. Love every photo of yours.
Gracias Aisha. Let’s try to do more like that together
I like those pictures!!!!!!
The drops of rain so vivid that they look like miniature glass paper holders.. There is transparent water and a shimmer of silver on many of the water drops..
You have captured each texture so beautifully – I can “feel” the
fuzziness of the purple and the tautness of the red and each ridge in the green leaf.
You have brought out the orange portion really well in the red flower- I am not sure if your raindrop and the light reflected off it made it orange or if the flower had orange and red hues but definitely the magic through your lenses highlighted it.
It is amazing of how you have brought the tropics into the bay area. I have a vision of “warm” humid Singapore like temperatures. I will keep this memory of the rain when it starts to rain here and it is 40 degrees outside..
Amazingly well captured. I am glad you took the time to do this.
I particularly like image #7 Mamen, but they’re all spectacular. Macro photography is another world and it’s a lot of fun to get lost in it from time to time. Glad you’re trying it out, no doubt you’re going to come up with some great images.
Dale, those words coming from a master are truly appreciated! you made my day!
Dilip, the pictures were desaturated 10%. Can you imagine the original color?
ooof! color overload! 😀
Wow! Mamen. What a beautiful series. I’m glad you skipped out on work for a while and captured these beautiful images.